Welcome to Embodhi Feminine Wellness

...the ONLY women's studio

merging small group fitness sessions





The pelvic floor, our 'wombspace',

is intimately connected with sacred feminine energy,

and health of both are vital for women's wellness.


Embodhi is a specialty women's boutique studio

dedicated to helping women THRIVE through

low-impact movement practices deeply supportive

of these critical aspects of holistic women's health

in a small-group setting, exclusively for the feminine.


♡ Sensuous and revitalizing dance cardio

inspired by the sacred feminine dances

Belly, African and Indian Temple...



 Strengthening Belly dance-Pilates-Barre-Yoga fusions...

Glowing Goddess & Throne Goddess


 Anxiety-reducing, gently strengthening,

pain-relieving Somatic yoga flow movement...



within a beautiful sisterhood of

amazing, supportive and compassionate

women joining to

dance, glow, laugh, strengthen and radiate! 

Magic happens when women come together





Are you one of the 85% of women who

dislikes her body image and what she sees in the mirror?


Or one of the 67% of women with

physical or emotional symptoms of stress?


Or one of the 58% of women with

lower back, hip and leg pain,

leakage or other pelvic floor troubles?


Or one of the 30% of women with

chronic pain syndromes that affect her daily life?


And one of the over 80% of women

who don't get enough exercise due to

chronic pain, lack of women-focused fitness,

or mental health struggles like anxiety and depression?


I have been there.

I have hit my own rock bottom

and had to scrape and climb my way 

out of the deepest of holes

where it seemed that light didn't exist.

(read more of my story in the About Jessa page)


Now, I'm so grateful for that experience

because it gave me the tools and insights to

help other women escape the darkness

and rediscover their sacred light within!


I specialize in helping women to:


 ☆ Move beyond their chronic pain

or pelvic floor struggles!


Improve their intimate life

and feel more confident!


Release stress & anxiety!


Have more calm energy!


Enjoy strong & sexy core, legs & arms!


Maintain vibrancy throughout their lifetime!


Feel deeply connected to themselves,

embrace their fluid yet powerful nature 

and be empowered to have the life they deserve!



Strong, Sensual and Sacred





Have you been feeling:

~uninspired, uncreative, or bored with life...

~uncertain, insecure or doubtful...

~ out of tune, out of time and out of touch...

 ~disconnected from your emotions and your body...

~unsupported, unloved or unworthy...

~overburdened, overwhelmed or exhausted...

~energetically or physically stuck or blocked...

~uncomfortable with your body and sexuality...

and unable to set clear boundaries?

Your sacred feminine energy may be blocked.


Sacred feminine energy is the

creative, intuitive and nurturing force

that resides within every woman.

It is the energy of love, compassion, and connection.

The energy of flow, receptivity, and power.

When we are in touch with our sacred feminine energy,

we feel aligned with our true self, our purpose, and our potential!


Sadly, due to various factors like trauma, stress,

societal expectations and cultural conditioning,

many women have unconsciously disconnected

from their sacred feminine energy

and may experience a range of symptoms

~such as those above~

indicating a blockage or a wound in her feminine energy.


It isn't hard to lose our sacred feminine in this

male-dominated, patriarchal society!


BUT, sacred feminine energy is your birthright

and your very essence!


It's your key to happiness and success!


By unblocking and claiming

your sacred feminine energy,

you can unleash your inner goddess

and freely shine your light in the world!


You CAN feel:


  ☆ Inspired and creative!


 Confident and expressive!


Clear and decisive!


Connected and loved!


Energized, joyful, vibrant, healthy, sensual,

motivated, happy, grateful and fulfilled!


And for me, there's a lot more going on in my goddess garden

💦🪷if you know what I mean 🪷💦


That's a LOT to promise, right?


Well, that's what makes Embodhi unique and special!


It's what awaits you when you join Embodhi

and attend sessions consistently!


* I am not a qualified practitioner of mental health. If you are experiencing severe depression, anxiety or other mental health challenges, please seek evaluation and treatment by a qualified physician. Embodhi Feminine Fitness is a beautiful enhancement to proper medical attention.





Each Embodhi fitness session

encompasses meditation

and strong yet fluid movement

designed to deeply connect you with,

awaken, nourish, unleash, honor and claim

YOUR sacred feminine essence and power within.


Three AMAZING sessions that you'll LOVE

per week is all it takes to

transform how you feel and look!


An ideal plan consists of...


Cardio session

(SacredCore℠ Belly dance cardio!)


Strength session

(Belly dance-infused Pilates, Barre and yoga!)

and ONE

Stretch & Relax session

(Embodhied℠ & Restorative Yin!)

per week.


Workouts don't have to hurt.

That is, in fact, counterproductive.


Find out now how incredible workouts can feel

and how much FUN they can be!


Three in-studio sessions per week is the ideal

and is where transformation happens~

but if all you can do is one consistent session per week,

you will still see some improvement.

This is not "all or nothing".

Choose what is right for you!

But make the commitment to yourself


to practice as often as you are able

and at least once per week.


With my specialized expertise

as a Women's Fitness Specialist and

Women's Empowerment Coach 

certified to teach

Barre, Pilates, Yoga and Belly dance

who worked hand-in-hand with a

~Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist~


the highly individualized and customized attention

you receive with our small group sessions

and closely-knit community


the all-encompassing body, mind and spirit

benefits and transformation

you'll enjoy from working with me consistently


~ the pelvic floor benefits we'll talk about next ~


according to my business coaches

I should charge minimums of $30, $50, $75+ per session!


But I built Embodhi Feminine Wellness to be

affordable, accessible, and sustainable

for ALL women

so I'm not listening to my coaches on this one!


Group sessions are only THIRTEEN dollars each,

because that is the number of Goddess and Sacred Feminine.



And, once you attend your first session,

you will have access to an exclusive

 new practitioner program

that will help you build momentum and healthy habits

to make changing your trajectory easier than ever!

Empowered Women Empower Women



Now let's talk Pelvic Floor Health!


Do you leak (even just a little) when you

sneeze, cough, laugh, jump, run or exercise?

This is just ONE symptom of pelvic floor dysfunction.


Many women will experience some form of

pelvic floor dysfunction during their life

 from a multitude of causes including

childbirth, high impact exercise, heavy lifting,

stress and trauma, hormonal changes,

chronic cough or constipation, and obesity.


Contrary to popular belief, age is not always a factor.

I've spoken with college students in late teens/early 20's

with pelvic floor disorder from stress,

experiencing severe pain and leakage!


And child-free women in their 30's who have been

powerlifters or runners

experiencing leakage or even prolapse,

who never thought it would happen to them

while living an active lifestyle and without giving birth.


Unfortunately, our bodies don't come with an instruction manual.

And women's bodies have been taboo for far too long.

So it's no wonder so many of us are

disconnected from and in-the-dark about

how to support and care for this most sacred part of our bodies.


Symptoms of dysfunction range from

lower back, glute and hip pain to

knee and ankle pain to

vaginal pain (vulvodynia) to

pelvic pain and sciatica to

chronic or recurrent UTI's to

pain with sex or gyn exams to

urinary urgency to

bladder and bowel leakage to

prolapse of internal organs

and more.


Women are told that looking forward to wearing adult diapers

and losing our independence are natural parts of getting older.

It's a huge business!

According to investment website 'The Street',

sales of adult care products for Kimberly-Clark, led by Depend,

have been on fire the past year, due to the aging Boomer generation.





to begin preventing the problems that arise

from an imbalanced pelvic floor!

Furthermore, it's NEVER TOO LATE to start

restoring pelvic floor health!


But the longer you wait,

the more costly in time & money it becomes.


You could wind up under the surgical scalpel

~ and pelvic floor procedures are often not covered by insurance~

or on lifetime medications with loads of side effects.

And when both of these treatments fail

~and I've heard from multitudes of women they do~

spending what are supposed to be your best years

wearing adult diapers

and watching your independence disappear.


While I hold a strong belief in and affection for physical therapy,

it is not always budget-friendly.

And insurance often won't cover treatments

for non-life-threatening pelvic floor issues.



You can proactively address this NOW.


And believe it or not,

Kegels are NOT the answer and can

actually worsen the problem!


Embodhi's fitness sessions target ALL of

the pelvic floor muscles

rather than just one like Kegels do,

while retraining the 3 layers of muscle

for BALANCE, not He-Man strength.

Because we want the 'Goldilock's' position-

not too strong, not too weak, just right.

Leakage happens with a pelvic floor

that's too strong (hypertonic), too!

It is just as vital to know

how to fully relax your pelvic floor

as it is to strengthen it.


Sessions are not a replacement for 

medical care or Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy.

I am not a doctor of pelvic heath

and I cannot treat you for pelvic floor dysfunction

or any other health ailments.


What I can do is

 help you connect with your pelvic floor,

bringing more awareness 

to how she feels and how to support her...

☆ help you with your breath, posture and stress relief

which are vital to pelvic floor health...

 assist you to proactively prevent future problems

through movements specifically designed

for pelvic floor support and health...

☆ potentially help pause or reverse the trajectory

if you're beginning to notice the above symptoms...

 and point you to the very best option

for deeper intervention when needed.


If you are experiencing severe symptoms

or prolapse (organs descending down the vaginal canal),

I cannot work with you without medical clearance.

Please see your healthcare provider and if appropriate, a

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Specialist!

(click above for the best Pelvic Floor PT!)


Embodhi Feminine Wellness sessions

can help improve general pelvic floor health

when practiced consistently

~ ideally with three in-studio sessions per week~

and are the perfect complement to treatment

with clearance from your physician or therapist.

✨The magic is in the movement✨




Experience the Empowerment


of connecting with your pelvic floor

and embodying your feminine essence!


All practice sessions are beginner-friendly,

designed for women of all ages and fitness levels.


Don't worry if you don't have experience

or if you feel like you have "two left feet",

or if you don't feel like you have the "right" body type.

Our sessions are created for women's bodies of all shapes.


We build from the foundation up so that

the movements are easy to follow.


The first session can feel awkward~

like ANY new thing that we do in life.




Consistent practice is the key to feeling

organic and natural in the movements,

AND key to getting the transformational results

you want and deserve...

and you must start somewhere! 


The welcoming sisterhood

at Embodhi Feminine Wellness

is supportive and encouraging 

to our new practitioners.


Our mottos are "Progress, not perfection"

and "Do what feels amazing in your body"!


Before you know it, muscle memory takes over

and your coordination is better than ever

due to the new neuropathways and synapses you've created

by participating in these movement sessions!


We believe total health and wellness comes from

tending to our minds, bodies and spirits

in a holistic, integrated way.


Our one-of-a-kind sessions are designed

to optimize your success in sessions AND in life

with motivating, inspiring, unique and FUN

workout sessions that make you feel amazing!

🗝️Consistency is Key🗝️

So, what practice sessions do we offer at Embodhi ?

Embodhi offers small group fitness classes tailored for women, encompassing the high-intensity of dance cardio to the tranquil practice of Restorative yoga and more. Enjoy a mix of cardio, strength training, balance exercises, flexibility workouts, and meditative relaxation in a single, inviting studio.

Tap here to learn about our practice session formats!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is pelvic floor health important?

Pelvic floor health is crucial for our overall well-being as women, providing support for the pelvic organs and contributing to core strength and stability.

Imbalance in the pelvic floor can lead to bladder and bowel leakage, lower back and hip pain, painful or embarrassing sex, discomfort during and avoidance of routine gynecological care, and low self-esteem and self-confidence.

Breath control and pelvic floor exercise will help us avoid adult diapers down the road, retain our independence, and move gracefully into our Priestess Sage phase of life!

Learn more!

Will these sessions help me lose weight?

That depends on you! I personally lost 30 pounds within 8 months of practicing these movement practices, limiting processed foods and focusing on low-fat, whole plant-based foods, avoiding alcohol and reducing stress through movement, and now enjoy a toned, strong, healthy body. My clients who practice with consistency and include healthy diet changes and stress relief have lost weight, toned up and gotten stronger too!

Practiced consistently (2-3 times per week), our sessions play an important part in your weight loss plan that includes diet modifications, while toning the core, legs and arms, improving posture, and building strength, endurance and mobility.

Let's not underestimate the power of loving our bodies and feeling confident no matter what they look like- but if weight loss is your goal, our Triple Goddess programs are designed to help you reach your goals with 3 consistent sessions per week.

Pair with a nutritious, whole food diet low in fat and high in fiber, and manage stress to keep the cortisol levels as low as possible for best results.

Love the way you look AND feel!

What if I don't have any experience?

Each of our sessions are thoughtfully crafted to accommodate all experience levels, from beginners to experienced practitioners.

Whether you've danced before or not, the thorough breakdowns of the movements that build upon each other make the sessions easy to follow, and we love to support and empower one another.

We ALL remember that first time! It may feel awkward at first, like ANYTHING new that we do, but you WILL get it and have a blast, and each session will feel better and better!

Why go to Embodhi instead of a gym?

If rocking it out at the gym is your jam, go for it! You DON'T have to choose one or the other!

Embodhi sessions offer something completely different, yet perfectly complimentary to your gym membership and a more rigorous fitness routine.

Working out in a gym is, by its very nature, a more masculine environment and energy.

Tending to your softer, intuitive, flowing side helps to balance that energy, and is vitally necessary if you, as a woman, attend a male-dominated gym.

It's also crucial that, if you are lifting, running or doing any high impact activities, you know how to properly support your pelvic floor during these activities or it's likely that you'll end up with leakage and possibly even prolapse down the road. Embodhi sessions teach you to access and connect with your pelvic floor so that you are giving this crucial part of your body the support she needs during these activities!

Weightlifting and high impact exercise like HIIT or running the treadmill tends to raise cortisol levels (which could lead to more belly fat), but Embodhi sessions can help regulate those elevated levels, making our sessions the perfect partner to more intense exercise.

Besides that, more women are having less than stellar experiences at male-dominated gyms and are in search of a safer, more feminine-oriented fitness option.

Many women avoid the gym due to smells, noise, crowds, microorganisms and harsh lighting.

Many women are seeking a more holistic approach that takes into account the specialized needs of her phase in life or chronic pain.

Many women are becoming aware of the importance of pelvic floor connection while working out.

Many women are craving connection and community with like-minded women.

Many women are yearning for a panoramic health and fitness experience that feeds her mind, body and spirit.

Many women desire a space where she can let go and feel sensual and sexy without judgement or unwanted attention.

If that sounds like you, welcome to Embodhi Feminine Wellness!

Can I bring my child(ren)?

Generally, think of this as a getaway from "normal" life.

With that said, I would rather you bring your child than not come to session! 

As long as your child(ren)- max of 2- can sit quietly and self-entertain for an hour, it is OK to bring them to sessions other than Moon, Candlelight and Embodied Goddess, which are intended for deep relaxation.

We will spread out a blanket in a corner of the studio and they can color, read, play games, or dance with us!

There are no heavy equipment or other potential hazards in the studio.

Please inform me prior to your session if you need to bring a child with you!

What if I suffer from chronic pain?

If chronic pain is a problem for you, goddess, I so deeply feel you as a Fibromyalgia and Ehlers-Danlos warrioress. Exercise and movement is the firstline premier treatment to help manage many chronic pain disorders. We often hear this from our doctors but have no idea where to start.

That is where our practice sessions come in. I've had to adjust my own practice to accommodate my pain and limitations while still getting a great workout in and ensuring my practitioners do as well, so all of my practice sessions are chronic pain-friendly and accessible to all women.

We with chronic pain can feel our very best when we move our bodies, while feeling strong makes every little thing we do throughout our day easier, helps us to feel lighter in our bodies and prevents injury. Movement gets the endorphins and lymph flowing, helping to ease our symptoms by releasing toxins, stress, anxiety and depression. We may need to plan a little extra recovery time, but we are more than capable of getting our glow on!

I decided a long time ago that I'm going to hurt every single day, that's just a fact of life now. I would rather hurt while doing something that helps my mind, body and spirit that I LOVE than not do anything, gain weight, feel depressed and anxious and hurt anyway.

Do I ALWAYS feel like practicing, especially on bad days? Heck no. Many days just getting put of bed is a struggle. But that's where committment comes in. I'm committed to YOU and to MYSELF, so I show up. And I feel so much better for it!

Embodied Goddess somatic movement yoga is highly recommended! If you join a higher intensity class, work in a Yin or Restorative yoga session with us, take home a packet of Embodhi aromatherapeutic recovery salt soaks, prioritize your sleep and you WILL feel strong, sensual and sacred!

Please make sure you have clearance from your medical provider.

Learn more about Belly dance and chronic pain

What do I wear?

Anything that's loose and comfortable, and that you can move in!

I often wear flowy skirts and dresses, lacy sports bras, harem pants, booty shorts, catsuits etc, and love it when practitioners wear something that makes them feel beautiful and sensual, but it's completely up to you. We are a completely judgement-free space.

If you can sit on the earth and move your legs and arms in their full range of motion without anything hindering you, that's perfect!

Pay attention to the weather when dressing for movement sessions. Loose, airy, cool clothing in summer and layers in the winter. While we have a portable a/c and fans for warm temps and heaters for cold temps, the Embodhi studio is a converted garage and is not fully insulated. Dress accordingly!

For relaxation sessions, dress super comfortably... think pajamas!

We practice barefoot and shoes must be removed prior to entering our sacred space, so wear shoes that are easy to slip on and off.

Hip scarves and grip socks are provided as needed!

What if I "can't" dance?

Even if you feel like you are coordinationally challenged, Embodhi sessions are perfect for you! We start off slow and the movements are broken down into bite-sized pieces to really get them under our hip scarves before moving on. Using our Moon cycle method, beginners are encouraged to start with slow-burn sessions at the very end or beginning of the moon cycle, which gives time to warm up to the higher paced and intensity formats mid-month. And, our small group consists of some of the most supportive women I know, who remember what it was like to be a beginner! We got you, girl!!!

Are your goddess sessions religious? What if I'm a Christian?

Many of my regular practitioners have more traditional religious beliefs!

The Divine Feminine is not a religion, but She IS present in all religions, including Christianity in the forms of Mother Mary, Archangels, and saints like St. Brigid and Mother Teresa.

Many early Christians viewed the Christ as both the Word (Logos, divine masculine) and Wisdom (Sophia,  divine feminine) of God. The Sophia that has always been acknowledged by esoteric Christianity is the key to unlock the Christian wisdom needed for our time.

Recognizing the Sacred Feminine within Christian tradition leads to a renewed vision of the sacredness of the natural world and the value of mystical divine experiences. 

Our focus is the INNER sacred feminine, rather than an outside force, which isn't a religious concept at all, so you can be comfortable practicing no matter what your beliefs are!

What about cultural appropriation?

This is a great question, and one that I and many other dancers have put a lot of deep thought into.

Click here for a deep dive into this topic.

What is Sacred Divine Feminine energy?

Sacred Feminine Energy is within all beings, both male and female, and is the spiritual and sacred aspects of a being that reflect traditionally feminine qualities like nurturing, intuition, creativity and compassion. She is the strong warrioress, and the beautiful delicate flower.

Known also as Shakti, She is the dynamic, creative, and primordial cosmic energy that flows through the entire universe. She is life force energy.

In this patriarchal, male-dominated, fast-paced, competitive society, many women have lost touch with their sacred feminine essence- thus they may feel a deep discontent and disconnection to themselves without being able to pinpoint why they feel that way. Some have likened it to an "inner scream".

By awakening and nourishing our inner sacred feminine essence, we connect more deeply to ourselves, get more satisfaction out of life and perhaps even discover our true soul's purpose.

Click to learn more.

Why do sessions synchronize with the moon cycles?

Flowing with the tides of the moon help us to best utilize our energy and prevent burnout, while honoring the reflection of the moon's feminine energy within our own bodies and psyches.

During dark moons, energy is naturally lower and as the moon swells toward full, the energy increases to her peak at the Full Moon. Then, our energy naturally decreases as the moon fades, culminating the cycle. An interesting experiment is to journal throughout the moon phases and note your energy levels!

This also allows us to set intentions at the New Moon, take actions towards those goals up to the Full Moon, and then allow the Universe and/or Divinity to work Its/His/Her magic while we rejuvenate and prepare for the next cycle as the moon darkens and energy wanes.

It is a beautiful way to connect with our inner divine feminine! See our section on Moon Sync'd Fitness!

Is "Feminine Fitness" discrimination?

The word "feminine" is not intended to limit these sessions to those with an anatomical uterus, but to impart feminine energy, power and healing to anyone who wishes them.

Usually it is women attracted to these types of sessions, and sessions are geared towards the female anatomy and pelvic floor, which is my area of expertise, but we welcome ANYONE who wants to balance their feminine energy.

I know plenty of incredible male Belly dancers and there is no one who cannot benefit from embracing the sacred feminine within themselves.

With that said, Embodhi is a space for women to embrace their natural sensual energy, so if you are a biological male interested in our sessions, please fill out the contact form below so we can have a chat and ensure we are a good fit and secure the safety and comfort of ALL participants.

Do you offer anything besides fitness to support women's health?

Our in-studio boutique offers women's wellness herbal tea for skin, hair and nails, liver and kidney detox, hormone balance, mood balancing and feminine nourishment;

herbal plant-based, bee-friendly, herb and flower-infused apple hunny;

and aromatheraeutic restorative bath soaking salts! 

Check them out here!

What Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy clinic do you recommend?

Hays County Physical Therapy & Wellness!

The therapists are incredible, the owner Dr. Nicole Laird is an amazing therapist and person, all the staff is wonderful and they will take the very best of care of you!

Hays County Physical Therapy and Wellness (hayscountypt.com)

How can I join the sacred sisterhood at Embodhi?

You can join our community of amazing, beautiful goddesses by claiming your space in one of our scheduled practice sessions in Plum Creek Kyle, Texas, or reach out by text, email or the contact form below!

Soon after booking your 1st session, you'll receive a welcome text from me, Jessa, when we can book a 20-minute Discovery call to talk about your wellness goals, get to know one another a bit better and make sure we're a good fit to work together.  

So, what are you waiting for?

Fill in the form below if you have additional questions, or if you're ready right now to feel your very best, click here to claim your space!

"Jessa is AMAZING! Want to feel like a beautiful strong goddess? Go take literally any of her classes. You will leave feeling strong, divine, and amazing…and you also get an awesome workout in!" ~ Megan B.

Contact Jessa for any questions or to become part of our sacred circle of women pursuing holistic wellness. I'd love to connect via phone or a brief Zoom call to discuss your goals and how the transformative sessions at

Embodhi Feminine Wellness

can aid you in your journey, assuring your confidence in your Embodhi experience.


Fill in the form below and press Submit

or send a text to (512) 803-8874.

OR, if you are ready

to start feeling your best


 click here to reserve your spot

in one of our upcoming small group sessions!



Embodhi Feminine Wellness
Kyle, Texas, United States

*address provided upon booking*

In total transparency, as a neurodivergent chronic pain sufferer, social media is exhausting to me and I prefer to devote my energy to creating, practicing and guiding sessions. Therefore, you won't see me post a lot of content on social media though I do like to share inspiring info I may come across in my rare ventures into Facebook.

Embodhi practitioners usually join through word of mouth rather than SM content!

Embodhi Feminine Wellness is a sanctuary for women seeking to elevate their feminine power through mindful fitness. The founder, Jessa, envisions a sacred space where women come together to heal, connect to themselves, and empower each other. With a focus on women's pelvic floor health and inner divine feminine connection, sessions are designed to foster a deep connection between body, mind, and spirit.